11 October 2023
Woodworm in joists can give you that unpleasant feeling that there’s trouble coming! They can get into untreated timbers anywhere. If they’re in furniture, that’s one thing; you can bring the furniture out of the house, and get it professionally treated. Woodworm in joists, beams, floorboards, and more or less anywhere in your attic or crawlspaces is another matter entirely! Once you suspect you might have a woodworm problem – which is usually when you see the telltale holes in the surface of the timbers – it’s best to call a professional. There are plenty of commercial treatments on the market (Cuprinol, Ronseal, Sika, and many more, as well as old-fashioned home remedies like vinegar), but applying these to fixed timbers risks not reaching the actual woodworm larvae deeper within. Additionally, and particularly in attics, it can be very difficult to reach all the exposed timbers. Our woodworm treatments are applied by trained professionals. We’ll assess what kind of treatment is needed, clean down timbers, cover electrical cable and water tanks, pull up floorboards where necessary, and temporarily remove insulating material so we can reach everything. We use the most effective high pressure woodworm killer systems currently available. The high pressure woodworm treatment means that the treatment fluid gets deep into the timber, killing off eggs from woodworm in the joists as well as the burrowing larvae, and all other stages of the life cycle. This avoids the situation where only the surface is treated, with the problem re-appearing in a year or two. Not all types of woodworm burrow deep into wood, so it’s possible you’ll only need the surface treatment. We’ll advise on which woodworm treatment is best for your home, outbuilding, or business premises, and deal with the problem quickly and efficiently.